
name: xmlrpc_newedit.py
author: limodou
home page: http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin.cgi/PyBlosxomDev
download: http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin.cgi/PyBlosxomDev?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=xmlrpc_newedit.py
category: xmlrpc
last edited: Feb 20, 2013 (Wednesday)

This plugin provides some misc method, and it is a xmlrpc plugin, so you need to install xmlrpc.py plugin first. This plugin provides these methods, just like:

newedit.editCategory you can edit the existing category, if the category is not existed, it'll create a new one

newedit.putFile put file to blog

newedit.getFileList get file list which you'v uploaded

newedit.getSysFile get system file which you have the right

newedit.putSysFile put system file which you have the right

(Editor's note: This just adds additional functions to the xmlrpc interface but doesn't work with any blogging tools that we know of.)