
name: weblog-add
author: William McVey
home page: None
download: None
category: input
last edited: Feb 20, 2013 (Wednesday)

A web UI for submitting blosxom blogs via a web browser.

This is a CGI script that runs separately from PyBlosxom and requires webserver authentication.

12/8/2007 - Verified by CanadaBear as part of GHOP that this script works with PyBlosxom 1.4.2 with the following notes: The plugin does not work like a regular plugin - it runs as a seperate cgi script and expects the web server to authenticate it. It works, but I think in the future it should be replaced.

There's a webfront project which runs on top of PyBlosxom that will replace weblog-add. See https://launchpad.net/pyblosxom-webfront/. (will kahn-greene)