8.8. Installing the CommentAPI

FIXME - this text probably needs fixing.

If you want support for the CommentAPI, copy contrib/plugins/comments/plugins/commentAPI.py to your plugins directory. If you enable CommentAPI in your RSS feed (see below), some RSS aggregator programs will provide an interface that can post a comment to a blog entry.

For more information on CommentAPI, the specification is at http://wellformedweb.org/story/9 and a list of implementations is at http://wellformedweb.org/news/35 .

You need to have comments.py installed in order for this to work.

Then you must add the CommentAPI tags to your RSS 2.0 feed. The best way to do this is to add an XML namespace declaration to the rss element:


Then inside your RSS items you need to add a wfw:comment element:


where ###commentAPI### is replaced by the URI that you mapped your CommentAPI.cgi to At the moment, you need to map to a URI one level below the $base_url of the blog