yeararchives - Builds year-based archives listing....


Walks through your blog root figuring out all the available years for the archives list. It stores the years with links to year summaries in the variable $(archivelinks). You should put this variable in either your head or foot template.


This plugin comes with Pyblosxom. To install, do the following:

  1. Add Pyblosxom.plugins.yeararchives to the load_plugins list in your file.
  2. Add $(archivelinks) to your head and/or foot templates.
  3. Configure as documented below.


When the user clicks on one of the year links (e.g. http://base_url/2004/), then yeararchives will display a summary page for that year. The summary is generated using the yearsummarystory template for each month in the year.

My yearsummarystory template looks like this:

<div class="blosxomEntry">
<span class="blosxomTitle">$title</span>
<div class="blosxomBody">

The $(archivelinks) link can be configured with the archive_template config variable. It uses the Python string formatting syntax.


py['archive_template'] = (
    '<a href="%(base_url)s/%(Y)s/index.%(f)s">'
    '%(Y)s</a><br />')

The vars available with typical example values are:

Y      4-digit year   ex: '1978'
y      2-digit year   ex: '78'
f      the flavour    ex: 'html'


The archive_template variable value is formatted using Python string formatting rules–not Pyblosxom template rules!


Plugin is distributed under license: MIT

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