.. only:: text This document file was automatically generated. If you want to edit the documentation, DON'T do it here--do it in the docstring of the appropriate plugin. Plugins are located in ``Pyblosxom/plugins/``. =================================== trackback - Trackback support.... =================================== Summary ======= This plugin allows pyblosxom to process trackback http://www.sixapart.com/pronet/docs/trackback_spec pings. Install ======= Requires the ``comments`` plugin. Though you don't need to have comments enabled on your blog in order for trackbacks to work. This plugin comes with Pyblosxom. To install, do the following: 1. Add ``Pyblosxom.plugins.trackback`` to the ``load_plugins`` list in your ``config.py`` file. 2. Add this to your ``config.py`` file:: py['trackback_urltrigger'] = "/trackback" These web forms are useful for testing. You can use them to send trackback pings with arbitrary content to the URL of your choice: * http://kalsey.com/tools/trackback/ * http://www.reedmaniac.com/scripts/trackback_form.php 3. Now you need to advertise the trackback ping link. Add this to your ``story`` template:: TB 4. You can supply an embedded RDF description of the trackback ping, too. Add this to your ``story`` or ``comment-story`` template:: License ======= Plugin is distributed under license: MIT