8.6. Installing trackback

FIXME - this text probably needs fixing.

If you want trackbacks, copy contrib/plugins/comments/plugins/trackback.py to your plugins directory. Then add "trackback" to the load_plugins property in your config.py file.

If you want trackbacks you need to advertise the trackback ping URL for a particular entry.

You advertise a manual trackback ping link. You can do this by inserting the following HTML in story.html and comment-story.html files:

<a href="$base_url/trackback.cgi/$file_path" title="Trackback">TB</a> 

You may need to change the $base_url/trackback.cgi portion of the URL to match the way that you have configured your webserver / CGI scripts.

You can supply an embedded RDF description of the trackback ping:

  <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"

You may need to change the $base_url/trackback.cgi portion of the trackback:ping attribute to match the way that you have configured your webserver / CGI scripts.

This RDF should also be inserted in story.html and comment-story.html. Since it is in an HTML comment, it doesn't matter where you put it.